Here are the costumes that my dolls are wearing this year. Some have been used before & some are brand new.

Here are Fleeta & Ann in their 50's outfits. Fleeta's felt circle skirt is pink with a pompom poodle applique. She is also wearing a Jantzen-like sweater set, a pale green scarf & black & white saddle-oxford. Ann's felt circle skirt is sparkly orange with leaf appliques. Her sweater set in yellow, with an orange neck scarf & orange-black saddle oxfords. Not all felt circle skirts were pink with poodles.

These 2 clown costumes are new. Nathan's clown suit is black with bright colored polka-dots on one side & stripes on the other with matching neck ruffles & fun pompoms. There is a magenta flower sticking out of his bowler hat. Donny is in a Halloween colors outfit. His black & orange gingham pants have a hoop waist. The shirt is a Halloween print. A pink & orange cat-in-the-hat Hat tops his outfit & big orange shoes finish it off.

Here is Charlie, Ben, Lottie & Howdy dressed as Dorothy & Friends - Tin Man, Cowardly Lion, Dorothy with Toto in her basket & Scarecrow. They are ready to head down the yellow-brick road.

Edith is a beautiful bride in a ruffly modest wedding gown.

Heber is a handsome Superman with his red boots & cape. He is ready to go to the rescue.

Gretchen & Winona like being pretty princesses. Gretchen's gown in Gold. She wears gold shoes & carries a gold basket. She has a sparkling tiara. Winona's gown in sparkly red. She also wears red shoes & has a sparkling tiara.

Sam's costume is new. He is a Safari Hunter. His pith helmet is woven straw. He has a nice set of binoculars & a wooden rifle.

Bitty Twins Timmy & Thomasina are dressed as Raggedy Ann & Andy. I think they are cute.

Sarah likes being a Mermaid. Her crown & necklace are made of shells. There are starfish, crabs & a seahorse caught in her net. She has a pearl in her bellybutton.

Here are the Oz witches. Naomi as the Good Witch is wearing a pretty pink gown & tiara. Katrina is the Wicked Witch in a nice black dress with silver waist corset & a shimmery cape. She sports a feathery hat & has her trusty broom.

Jacob is a Fireman with a nice Fireman hat & shiny black boots & a red bucket.

Bonita's bright pink ballerina outfit is new.

Cassia is having fun as a Golden Fairy. This is a new costume.

Isabella is nice a warm in her pink bunny costume.

Willy is also warm in his E.T. costume. Note is heart-light that flashes.

Here are 2 more new costumes. Patrick in a Ghost & Fred is a Skeleton. Are they scary?

Matt is a Cowboy with his cowboy hat & boots & his trusty 6-shooter at his side. Midgie is a pioneer with a pinafore to match her bonnet and petticoat & pantaloons under her dress.

Montie is dressed in his pajamas with blue slipper & his teddy bear. He is pushing Valerie in a wheelchair. Valerie is wearing a blue rosebud nightgown & pink bunny slippers. She also has a teddy bear.

Andrew is a Scotsman. His kilt, plaid & tam are Sutherland tartan. His sporran is fur.

Edward is a Wizard with a crystal orb-wand.

Odette is another princess, a Medieval Princess.

Dianne is wearing an old style Nurse costume. This is new. Ken is a Doctor, complete with black bag & stethoscope.
I hope you get some ideas of what you want to be fore Halloween.